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DelphiNews November 2014

I’m pleased to enclose the latest edition of DelphiNews.

Market Update

Global economies staged a sharp turnaround in October, renewing confidence, and the impact from the ongoing geopolitical tensions in the Ukraine and the Middle East has taken a back seat over the past few weeks.

The US economy continues its upward trend, whilst China experienced its slowest growth in quarterly GDP since March 2009, but is showing signs of stabilisation. Eurozone manufacturing data remained weak again this month with inflation at marginally lower levels.        

Domestically, there has been ongoing improvement in business and consumer confidence. The RBA left the cash rate unchanged at 2.5% in November, and it is anticipated to remain at this level well into 2015.

Economic Update

In the latest Update, Brian Parker, Head of Portfolio Specialists Group at MLC, reviews events in Australian and Overseas markets during September. Brian notes that October was a better month for investors. But if we look at individual markets, it was a mixed bag. US and Japanese share markets posted some decent gains, as did the emerging markets, but the European and UK share prices went backwards.


The good news is that with life expectancy constantly rising, you can now expect to enjoy 20 years or more as a retiree.

But with Australians spending almost a quarter of their lives in retirement, you want to make sure that your savings are going to last the distance — without cutting back your lifestyle. Here are three tips for making the most of your savings. The enclosed article provides information of how you can make your retirement savings go further.

Volatility in markets often makes people rethink their retirement plans and investment arrangements. If you or a family member would like discuss any of the issues raised above or if you wish to review your current investment strategy please contact us.


Vince Dore CFP