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DelphiNews December 2020

Well we have finally come to the end of 2020 and the journey that has been DelphiNews over the past decade.

This 120th edition will be our last under the Delphi banner and so I have decided to dispense with the usual financial market updates and reflect on our voyage together.

As most of you know I grew up on a wheat and sheep farm in the NSW Riverina district and after realising that farming was just too tough a life commenced working at a bank in Corowa in 1977. There were no computers and I would write up each client's individual cheques in a large binder.

Over my working life I have been employed by a major bank, an international broking firm, a small financial planning group and finally with my own business, Delphi Financial Management.

The decision to join with IMFG early next year is a natural progression of the changes that have been brought about by the various reviews into the Financial Services profession. This will culminate in the sale of MLC to IOOF (which has just been approved by the ACCC) before the end of this financial year.

I have recently passed a three hour exam to be accredited by the Financial Adviser Standards & Ethics Authority (FASEA) and have separately completed almost 100 hours of additional Professional Training & Development.

I am looking forward to working with the Team at IMFG and having the professional and collegiate support offered by this larger firm.

Last year I noted in December that we were approaching the end of another challenging year. Little did I know what 2020 was about to deliver!

However we have survived and consider ourselves fortunate to be living in Australia where we have witnessed a wonderful health system manned by dedicated people who put themselves at risk to keep us all safe. Our politicians too on both sides of the spectrum have shown great leadership and a willingness to base their sound decisions on scientific advice.

My brother Professor Gregory Dore has been researching the long term effects of Covid19 at St Vincent's and has also recently been awarded the Eureka Prize for Infectious Disease Research with his work with Hepatitis C patients.

Meanwhile another brother Gerard is expanding his interest in hotels in Sydney's inner west. So he was not too impressed with Greg's suggestion some months ago that NSW should enter another short sharp lockdown!

My dear old Dad, Ted who is 87 has had an up and down year. He has been enjoying the companionship of a live in carer but has ended up back in hospital due to a build-up of fluid in his legs. He should be out shortly and be able to join in family Christmas celebrations.

Bernadette and I are proud of our five children and their partner's handling of this difficult year. They have remained positive despite some losing jobs and others working and schooling children from home.

The highlight of the year has been the arrival of our 6th grandchild, Max - a brother for Zachary.

So whilst we are looking forward to the end of 2020, we are certainly grateful for all of the positives in our life.

I look forward to commencing a new journey with you in 2021 and continue to be extremely thankful for your continuing support and friendship.

Please note that whilst the Delphi office will be closed from 23 December 2020 until 4 January 2021, emails will continued to be monitored.

We really do appreciate all our clients and hope that you all have joyous celebrations with family and friends and get a chance to spend time with those you love.

And as the Bard wrote: "What heaven more will, That thee may furnish, and my prayers pluck down, Fall on thy head! Farewell" to 2020!



Vince Dore CFP